



MyTuron is the official mobile platform for providing remote banking services to individuals - clients of the Bank.This system allows you to perform the following banking operations using mobile communication devices:- Remote registration and identification of new clients through the My ID system;- Online order, delivery of plastic cards UZCARD, HUMO, VISA, MASTERCARD;- Opening of the virtual map Humo Virtual;- Transfers between cards Uzcard/Uzcard, Humo/Humo, Uzcard/Humo, Humo/Uzcard;- Transfers between international cards Mastercard/Mastercard, Visa/Visa, Visa/Mastercard, Mastercard/Visa of Turonbank;- Card management (setting limits, enabling and disabling SMS alerts, clearing attempts to enter a PIN code, blocking a card, changing a PIN code);- Detailed information on the card (card details, transaction history, card statement);- Obtaining information on plastic card accounts;- Creation of templates for payments and transactions;- Conversion services for convertible foreign currencies;- Opening online deposits;- Obtaining information on client deposits;- Payment by HUMO PAY, QR code;- Obtaining information about the balances and turnovers on the clients accounts;- Implementation of funds transfers between client accounts;- Repayment of loans to JSCB "Turonbank";- Payment for retail services;- Payment for utilities;- Payment for the services of mobile operators;- Payment for the services of Internet providers;- Payment for foreign services;- Making other payments;- Accrual of bonuses for payments to a bonus card;- Welcome bonus when registering in My Turon with a Turonbank card;- View account statement;- Obtaining information on the status of clients loan agreements;- View exchange rates;- Receiving bank announcements and mailings.A new type of loan “Online microloan” has been introduced.Who can use "Online microloan"?Holders of plastic cards of JSCB "Turonbank".Advantages of "Online microloan":After remote identification, there are no requirements for the provision of additional documents, the intended use of the loan, the human factor when issuing a loan. And also, based on the available data, the platform can offer an alternative amount based on the solvency of the client.Term: up to 12 months;Interest: 30% per annum.Maximum amount: Determined based on the result of an automated scoring analysis.And also, using the My Turon mobile platform, the client has the opportunity to send an application for a loan to buy a car (car loan - primary market), a microloan in the amount of more than 30 million soums, a consumer loan, a loan for medical care and tourism.One of the main advantages of the new mobile application is the ability to order any Turonbank card without leaving home, with the receipt of the card at any convenient branch, as well as delivery to the door by the Banks courier service.